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Thursday, October 3, 2002

No ­ Host Cocktail Party
6:00 PM ­ 8:00 PM
Grand Foyer and Royal Palm Court

Friday, October 4, 2002
Sessions 8:30 a.m. ­ 10:15 a.m.

1. Roundtable on Terrorism and the Transatlantic Alliance Since 9/11
Sponsor: Consortium for Atlantic Studies
Fri 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Terrace Pavilion

Jackson Janes, American Institute for Contemporary German Studies
James McAdams, University of Notre Dame
Klaus Becher, IISS
Claudia Schmid, Berliner Verfassungsschutz
Steven Szabo, The Johns Hopkins University

2. The Romantic Eighteenth Century: Lessing, Winckelmann, Herder
Fri 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Pacific Salon Seven

Moderator: Gail K. Hart, University of California, Irvine

"Poison and the Discourse of Flattery: Lessing's 'Snow White'"
Kenneth S. Calhoon, University of Oregon

"Giving Birth to the Feminine Gaze: Winckelmann and the Art of Antiquity"
Richard Block, University of Colorado, Boulder

"The Drama in Rags: Shakespeare Reception between 1770 and 1800"
Bianca Theisen, Johns Hopkins University

Commentator: Brigitte Prutti, University of Washington, Seattle

3. Hölderlin and the Political
Fri 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Garden Salon Two

Moderator: Stefani Engelstein, University of Missouri at Columbia

"The Geometry of Revolution: On Friedrich Hölderlin's Political Philosophy in Hyperion oder der Eremit in Griechenland"
Günter Schmidt, Princeton University

"'The Violence of Language': Hölderlin, Heidegger, and the Political"
Karen Barkemeyer, University of Missouri at Columbia

"Hölderlin's Ruins: Adaptation and Responsibility in Brecht's Antigonemodell"
Therese Augst, Princeton University

Commentator: John B. Lyon, University of Pittsburgh

4. Das Fremde und das Eigene: Orientalism and Heimatliteratur
Fri 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Clarendon

Moderator: H. Glenn Penny, University of Missouri, Kansas City

"Germans, Indians, and Other Jews: Hegel on Abstract Materiality in the Bhagavad-Gita"
Jeffrey S. Librett, Loyola University, Chicago

"No Monsters in the East: German Orientalism from a Danish Colony"
Gita Rajan, Hunter College, CUNY

"A New Perspective on Heimatliteratur: Heinrich Sohnrey in Light of Karl Polanyi"
Ginny Lewis, University of Missouri, Columbia

Commentator: [none]

5. The "Normality" of German Foreign Policy
Fri 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Eaton

Moderator: Erich G. Pohl, Universität Heidelberg

"A Long Way to 'Normality': Deutsche Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik im Wandel"
Wolfram Hilz, Technische Universität Chemnitz

"Is Germany's Foreign Policy 'Normal'"?
Jim Sperling, University of Akron

"The Sudeten Germans and EU Enlargement"
Emil Nagengast, Juniata College

"Rwanda and the Politics of Memory"
Jutta A. Helm, Western Illinois University

Commentator: Mary McKenzie, Grossmont College

6. Culture, Religion, and Politics in the Eastern States
Fri 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Brittany

Moderator: Alice Cooper, University of Mississippi

"The Development of Parliamentary Parties in Eastern German State Legislatures: 1990-2000"
Louise K. Davidson-Schmich, University of Miami

"Church, State, and City: Fighting over the Bäderregulung in Rostock, Germany"
Susan Mazur-Stommen, Cal-Poly Pomona

"Gründe für die jüngsten Erfolge der PDS"
Harald Bergsdorf, Innenministerium Thüringen

Commentator: Meredith Heiser, Foothill College

7. Das NPD-Verbot im Kontext des Rechtsextremismus in Deutschland
Sponsor: Gesellschaft für Deutschlandforschung
Fri 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Stratford

Moderator: Lothar Mertens, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

"Die Rolle der NPD im deutschen Rechtsextremismus"
Andreas Sobisch, John Caroll University

"Die Geschichte der NPD und ihre Radikalisierung seit der zweiten Hälfte der neunziger Jahre"
Eckhard Jesse, Universität Chemnitz

"Das aktuelle NPD-Verbotsverfahren vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht"
Hans-Jörg Bücking, Gesellschaft für Deutschlandforschung

Commentator: Uwe Backes, Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung an der Technischen Universität Dresden

8. New Perspectives on the Radical Right in Weimar Germany
Fri 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Pacific Salon Five

Moderator: Timothy Brown, University of California, Berkeley

"'Officers and Warriors': Noblemen as Stormtroopers ­ A Cultural Study on Leadership, Violence and Social Conflicts in the SA, 1921-1934"
Sven Reichardt, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin
Stephan Malinowski, Technische Universität Berlin

"Searching for 'the People': Reichswehr and Right-Wing Movements between Collaboration and Distance During the Weimar Republic"
Marcus Funck, Technische Universität Berlin

"Racism and Women's Rights in the Thinking of German Right-Wing Women, 1919-1933"
Raffael Scheck, Colby College

Commentator: Bruce Campbell, College of William and Mary

9. Vom Volkstumskampf zur sozialistischen Brüderlichkeit? Deutsche und Tschechen im 20. Jahrhundert
Fri 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Sunrise

Moderator: Robert Herzstein, University of South Carolina

"Nationalitätenkampf: Deutsche und Tschechen in der Tschechoslowakei, 1918-1938"
Christoph Boyer, Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am Main

"Nationale Unterdrückung: NS-Politik im Reichsgau Sudetenland, 1938-1945"
Jörg Osterloh, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

"Verordnete Freundschaft: Die SBZ/DDR und die Tschechoslowakei, 1945-1969"
Volker Zimmermann, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

Commentator: Nathan Stoltzfus, Florida State University

10. Foundations of the Bundesrepublik: New Perspectives
Fri 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Pacific Salon Six

Moderator: Ronald Shearer, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi

"Water in the Desert? The Influence of Wilhelm Röpke on Ludwig Erhard and the Social Market Economy"
Alfred C. Mierzejewski, Athens State University

"Building a New Luftwaffe: The US Air Force and the Bundeswehr Planning for Rearmament, 1950-1960"
James C. Corum, USAF School of Advanced Airpower Studies

"Auschwitz and the Nuclear Sonderweg: The Debate over Nuclear Weapons and the Shadow of the Nazi Past"
Susanna Schrafstetter, University of Glamorgan

Commentator: Jonathan Wiesen, Southern Illinois University

11. Conservatism, Radical Nationalism and the Jewish Question in Weimar and Nazi Germany
Fri 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Pacific Salon Four

Moderator: Larry Eugene Jones, Canisius College

"Against the 'Politics of Fulfillment': The Pan-German League, the DNVP, and the Nationalist Struggle against Locarno"
Barry A. Jackish, Gannon University

" 'Von blauem zum reinen Blut': Funktion und Wirkung des Antisemitismus im deutschen Adel zwischen Kaiserreich und NS-Staat"
Stephan Malinowski, Technische Universität Berlin

"Carl Schmitt and the 'Jewish Question': New Evidence, Old Contradictions"
Joseph W. Bendersky, Virginia Commonwealth University

"Kuno Graf von Westarp als konservativer Kritiker des dritten Reiches 1933 bis 1945"
Karl J. Mayer, Familienarchiv der Freiherren Hiller von Gaertringen

Commentator: Hans Mommsen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

12. Demythologizing Memory: Identity and Yearning in the Works of Cordelia Edvardson, Ruth Klüger, Lore Segal, Martha Blend, and Elfriede Jelinek
Fri 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Windsor

Moderator: Brett Wheeler, Georgetown University

"Revisiting Childhood in Exile: Longing and Identity in Lore Segal's Wo Andere wohnen and Martha Blend's Ich kam als Kind"
Kirsten Krick-Aigner, Wofford College

"Elfriede Jelinek's Sportstück: Helden, - oder Heim, Herd und Haider?,
Deconstructed Myths, the Media, and the Masses"
Nancy C. Erickson, Bemidji State University

"Women and Holocaust Memory: Mothers, Daughters and Language in Cordelia Edvardson's Gebranntes Kind sucht das Feuer and Ruth Klüger's weiterleben: eine jugend"
Lisa Silverman, Yale University

Commentator: Imke Meyer, Bryn Mawr College

13. "Papa's Kino" Goes to War: Movies and Memory in the Adenauer Era
Fri 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Hampton

Moderator: Uta G. Poiger, University of Washington, Seattle

"The Heimatfilm as Historical Palimpsest: Rosen blühen auf dem Heidegrab (1952)"
Johannes von Moltke, University of Michigan

"The Second Defeat: The Presence of the American Military in the German Heimat"
Annette Brauerhoch, Universität Paderborn

"What Did You Do in the War, Mutti? Courageous Mothers, Compassionate Commanders, and Stories of the Second World War"
Robert G. Moeller, University of California, Irvine

Commentator: Heide Fehrenbach, Northern Illinois University

14. Nazi Entertainment Cinema I: Machineries of Spectacle
Fri 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Sheffield

Moderator: H.-B. Moeller, University of Texas, Austin

"The Sublime and the Spectacular: Stars in Third Reich Film"
Erica Carter, University of Warwick

"Motors and Machines, Robots and Rockets: Homespun Sci-Fi Film in the Third Reich"
Florentine Strzelczyk, University of Calgary

"Schünzel vs. Riefenstahl: Triumph of the Witz"
Ted Rippey, Bowling Green State University

Commentator: Cary Nathenson, Center for Public Intellectuals

15. Bernhard Schlink
Fri 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Fairfield

Moderator: Jutta Arend, College of the Holy Cross


"On the Impossibility of Behaving Well: Ethical Challenges for the Post-War Generation in the Prose of Bernhard Schlink"
Mark E. Cory, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

"Popular Realism and the Construction of Popular Memory: Bernhard Schlink's Perpetrator Formula"
William Collins Donahue, Rutgers University

"'Truth is a Woman': Postmodernism, Post-Holocaust, and the Gender of Fascism in Bernhard Schlink's Der Vorleser"
Joseph Metz, University of Utah

Commentator: Caroline Schaumann, Emory University


Friday, October 4, 2002
Sessions 10:30 a.m. ­ 12:15 p.m.


16. Past Present: The Legacy of Nazism in Contemporary German Cinema
Fri 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Hampton

Moderator: Jeffrey Herf, University of Maryland

"Reel Racism: Neo-Nazis and Skinheads in Contemporary German Cinema"
Lawrence Baron, San Diego State University

"The Nasty Girl as Fact and Fiction"
Anna Rosmus

"My Mother's Courage: Michael Verhoeven and the Victims of the Holocaust"
David Brenner, Kent State University

Commentator: Wulf Kansteiner, State University of New York, Binghamton

17. The Worlds of Victor Klemperer
Fri 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Sunrise

Moderator: Deborah Hertz, Sarah Lawrence College

"Victor's Secret: Eva Klemperer's Life Between the Lines."
Neil H. Donahue, Hofstra University

" 'Ich triumphiere sozusagen': The History of the 'Zion-Kapitel' in LTI (1947-1957)."
Roderick Watt, University of Glasgow

"'Warum begnüge ich mich mit Stillschweigen?' Victor Klemperer's political stance"
Reinhard K. Zachau, University of the South, Sewanee

Commentator: Omer Bartov, Brown University

18. On Berlin Ground
Fri 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Windsor

Moderator: Noah Isenberg, Wesleyan University

"Entering Germany: The Postwar Berlin of Tony Vaccaro and Billy Wilder"
Gerd Gemünden, Dartmouth College

"Berlin as Project: The DAAD's Artist-in-Residence Program"
Nora Alter, University of Florida

"Tracing Trauma: Alan Cohen in Berlin"
Lutz Koepnick, Washington University

Commentator: Edward Dimendberg, University of Michigan

19. Nazi Entertainment Cinema II: (Dis)continuities
Fri 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Sheffield

Moderator: Erica Carter, University of Warwick

"Victor or Victoria? Reinhold Schünzel's Ambiguous Nazi-Era Comedies"
Valerie Weinstein, University of Nevada, Reno

"A Political Aesthetic of the 'Little Man': Heinz Rühmann's Nazi-Era Films"
Cary Nathenson, Center for Public Intellectuals

"Complicating the Picture: Hans Steinhoff's The Old and the Young King (1935) and Frank Beyer's The King and His Jester (1981)"
Evelyn Preuss, Yale University

Commentator: Ted Rippey, Bowling Green State University

20. Archive ­ Ort des vergessens?
Fri 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Sunset

Moderator: Ronald M. Smelser, University of Utah

"Bewertung und Auswertung. Auswirkungen archivischer Arbeit auf die historische Überlieferungsbildung"
Rainer Hering, Staatsarchiv Hamburg

"Recht auf Geschichte. Das Archiv im Zentrum der Kontroverse zwischen JuristInnen und HistorikerInnen"
Susanne C. Pils, Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv

"Streitfall Archiv. Die österreichischen Archivgesetze aus der Sicht der Rechtswissenschaften"
Josef Pauser, Universität Wien

Commentator: Henry Friedlander, Brooklyn College, City University of New York

21. How Jewish are German Studies? (I)
Fri 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Pacific Salon Four

Moderator, Amir Eshel, Stanford University

"The Silent Generation: Jewish Refugees, Columbia University, and American Germanistik"
Mark Aderson, Columbia University

"German Jewish Women Looking"
Darcy Buerkle, Pitzer College

"'How Jewish Is It?' Sexuality under and after National Socialism"
Dagmar Herzog, Michigan State University

"A 'Jewish Turn' in German Studies? An Empirical Assessment of Some Recent Trends"
Denis Wall, University of Toronto

Commentator: Y. Michael Bodemann, University of Toronto

22. Roots of Civil Society: Political and Economic Competition in Austria and Czechoslovakia
Fri 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Crescent

Moderator: Diethelm Prowe, Carleton College

"Economic Nationalism in the Sudetenland, 1918-1938"
Catherine Albrecht, University of Maryland, Baltimore

"Nationale Teilgesellschaften der Habsburgermonarchie im Wettbewerb:
die tschechischen Parteien und Politiker vor 1914"
Robert Luft, Collegium Carolinum, Munich
"Austria's Economy and Politics between Competition and Protection: An Institutional View"
Jürgen Nautz, Universität Wien, Universität Kassel

Commentator: Günter Bischof, Center Austria, University of New Orleans

23. The Anti-Fascist Fight: Constructing the Fascists as Enemy from Weimar to Post-War Germany
Fri 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Pacific Salon Five

Moderator: Robert Goodrich, Northern Michigan University

"Weimar Communist Visions of Masculine Militancy in the Anti-Fascist Struggle"
Sara Sewell, Marquette University

"Cultivating Austrian Identity after Fascism: Social Democratic Perspectives on Staatsbürgerkunde in the Early Second Republic"
Matthew Paul Berg, John Carroll University

"An Antifascist Education: Communicating Antifascism in the Soviet Zone of Germany, 1945-1949"
Benita Blessing, Ohio University

Commentator: H. Glenn Penny, University of Missouri-Kansas City

24. Denken und Handeln in der Weltanschauungsdiktatur
Fri 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Stratford

Moderator: Heinrich Oberreuter, Universität Passau

"Totalitäres Denken - Konzeptionen und herrschaftspraktische Wirkungen"
Uwe Backes, Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung an der TU Dresden

"Menschliches Handeln in der Diktatur: Untaugliche Rechtfertigungen und ungültige Entschuldigungsgründe"
Lothar Fritze, Technische Universität Chemnitz

"Arrangement mit der Macht: Manfred von Ardenne - Wissenschaftler in drei Diktaturen"
Gerhard Barkleit, Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung an der TU Dresden

Commentator: Gerhard Besier, Universität Heidelberg

24a. Rufer im Streit: German Intellectuals in the Fray
Fri 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Fairfield

Moderator: Susan Anderson, University of Oregon

"Memory, Moralism, and the Role of Intellectuals in the Unified Germany"
Friederike Eigler, Georgetown University

"Against 'Eine Geschichtsphilosophie für Schöner Wohnen': Error, Athenticity and the Possibility of Cultural Memory in Martin Walser
Scott Belliston, Stanford University

"Der 11. September und seine geistigen Folgen: Die Reaktion deutscher Intellektueller auf die Terroranschläge in den USA."
Andrea Heitmann, Ohio State University

Commentator: Susan Anderson, University of Oregon

25. Politicians, the State, and Corruption
Sponsor: Association for the Study of German Politics (ASGP, UK)
Fri 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Eaton

Chair: William Paterson, University of Birmingham, UK

"A State without Servants?"
Hans Herbert von Arnim, Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer, Germany

"Challenges to Rechtsstaatlichkeit in the Berlin Republic: Reflections on the Kohl Affair and the Stasi Legacy in a Comparative Perspective"
Anthony Glees, Brunel University, UK
Commentator: Arthur Gunlicks, University of Richmond

26. The Challenges of Economic Governance in Unified Germany
Fri 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Brittany

Moderator: Helga Welsh, Wake Forest University

"Eurozone Battles: Germany, Economic Governance, and the ECB"
Peter Loedel, West Chester University

"From Rhineland to Spreeland Capitalism: The Rise of Neoliberalism in Germany"
Georg Menz, University of Pittsburgh

"The German Alternative? The Tenacity and Virtues of National Models of Capitalism In a Global Economy"
Crister Garrett, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Commentator: Michael Huelshoff, University of New Orleans

27. Räume weiblichen Handelns: Weimar-Jena um 1800
Fri 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Dover

Moderator: Walter Pape, Universität zu Köln

"Politische und rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen weiblichen Handelns im Raum Weimar-Jena um 1800"
Siegrid Westphal, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

"Handlungsräume von Frauen in Weimar um 1800"
Julia Frindte, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

"Institutional Spaces and Women's Places: Mme. de Stael negotiates Weimar"
Ann T. Gardiner, International University in Germany

Commentator: Roswitha Burwick, Scripps College

28. Enlightenment, Counter-Enlightenment, and Romanticism ex nihilo
Fri 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Pacific Salon Six

Moderator: Thomas C. Fox, University of Alabama

"Have Enlighteners Pulled the Wool Over Our Eyes?: Rethinking the Pan-European Nature of the Enlightenment"
Tim Mehigan, University of Melbourne, Australia

"The Literary Affect"
Paul Fleming, New York University

"Romanticism ex nihilo and Friedrich Schlegel's 'Organic' Poesy"
Jocelyn Holland, Johns Hopkins University

Commentator: Anthony Krupp, University of Miami

29. Creating an Eternal Nation: Popular Science and Historical Knowledge in Imperial Germany
Fri 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM

Moderator: Suzanne Marchand, Louisiana State University

"Telling the Story of Ancient Germany: Prehistoric Archaeology as a Literary Source in Imperial Germany"
Brent Maner, Kansas State University

"Sylvan Metaphors: Social and Racial Images of the 'German Forest,' 1848-1914"
Jeffrey K. Wilson, University of Michigan

"Racializing the Nation: The Mobilization of Anthropology during World War I"
Andrew Evans, SUNY New Paltz

Commentator: Lynn Nyhart, University of Wisconsin, Madison

30. Sex and the City in the Imperial Period
Fri 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Garden Salon Two

Moderator: Dieter Sevin, Vanderbilt University

"Fictional Transgression in a Fictional Metropolis: Fontane's Irrungen Wirrungen"
John B. Lyon, University of Pittsburgh

"Viewing the Urban Menagerie: Frank Wedekind's Lulu"
Angela H. Lin, Vanderbilt University

"Lou Andreas Salome's Fenitschka: A Tale of Two Cities?"
Laura Deiulio, College of William and Mary

Commentator: Kalliopi Nikolopoulou, Vanderbilt University

31. Mennonites, Prostitutes, Catholics, and Jews: The "Other" and Nation-
Building in Nineteenth-Century Germany
Fri 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Ascot

Moderator: Doris L. Bergen, University of Notre Dame

"The First Duty of a Citizen: Mennonite Emancipation and Opposition to Prussian Military Service"
Mark Jantzen, Bethel College

"Prostitution and Nation-Building in Imperial Germany"
Julia Bruggermann, De Pauw University

"Nation-Building on the Periphery: Catholics and Jews in Hesse"
Keith H. Pickus, Wichita State University

Commentator: Helmut Walser Smith, Vanderbilt University

25. The German Economy and Transatlantic Relations since 9/11
Sponsor: Deutsch-Amerikanischer Arbeitskreis (DAA)
Fri 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Terrace Pavilion

Presentations and Discussion

Moderator: Wolfgang-Uwe Friedrich, Universität Hildesheim

Jürgen Stark, Vice President of the Bundesbank
Irwin Collier, Freie Universität Berlin

12:30 PM ­ 1:45 PM
Grand Ballroom

Speaker: Lilian Faschinger
reading from her works




Friday, October 4, 2002
Sessions: 2:00 p.m. ­ 4:30 p.m.

33. Uwe Timm
Fri 2:00 PM ­ 4:30 PM Eaton

Moderator: Richard J. Rundell, New Mexico State University

"Uwe Timms 'Ästhetik des Alltags': ein Programm mimetischen Erzählens"
Bernhard Spies, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

"Uwe Timms Rot als dritter Teil einer 68er Trilogie"
Manfred Durzak, Universität Paderborn

"Die Wiederkehr der Geschichte in Uwe Timms Johannisnacht als zufällige Wiederkehr der Erinnerung"
Hans-Christoph von Nayhauss, Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe

"Uwe Timm als Drehbuchautor"
Keith Bullivant, University of Florida

Commentator: Michael E. Geisler, Middlebury College

34. Imagining Catastrophe II: German Culture After 1945
Fri 2:00 PM ­ 4:30 PM Crescent

Moderator: Lutz Koepnick, Washington University

"Death and Exile: Defunct Cemeteries in Barbara Honigmann and W. G. Sebald"
Katja Garloff, Reed College

"On Clocks, Diaries, and Ruins: W. G. Sebald and the Aesthetic of Melancholy"
Amir Eshel, Stanford University

"Imagining Death: Gerhard Richter and W. G. Sebald"
Julia Hell, University of Michigan

"Postwar German Fiction and the Moral Wilderness"
Steve Dowden, Brandeis University

Commentator: Todd Presner, UCLA

35. Representing Nazi Perpetrators and Victims
Fri 2:00 PM ­ 4:30 PM Windsor

Moderator: Jonathan Petropolous, The Claremont Colleges

"Franz Radziwill's Sense of Victimization"
James A. van Dyke, Reed College

"Gerhard Richter/Adolf Eichmann: Art and the Nazi Past in Post-War West Germany"
Paul B. Jaskot, DePaul University

"Picturing the Vanished: Shimon Attie and the Jews of Germany"
Dora Apel, Wayne State University

"Reflections on the Jewish Museum's Mirroring Evil"
Lisa Saltzman, Bryn Mawr College

Commentator: William Collins Donahue, Rutgers University

36. The Films of Michael Haneke
Fri 2:00 PM ­ 4:30 PM Sheffield

Moderator: Nora Alter, University of Florida

"Breaking the Code: Fragmentation and Disjuncture in Haneke's Code Unknown"
Mary Wauchope, San Diego State University

"Sadistic Cinema: Violence and Affect in the Films of Michael Haneke"
Brigitte Peucker, Yale University

"Haneke's Soundtracks"
Willy Riemer, University of Delaware

"The High Culture Industry Meets the European Art Film: Michael Haneke's Adaptation of Elfriede Jelinek's The Piano Teacher"
Felix W. Tweraser, Utah State University

Commentator: Cynthia Walk, University of California, San Diego

37. Comic Books and Society: Mirror, Mirage or Moral Voice?
Fri 2:00 PM ­ 4:30 PM Pacific Salon Seven

Moderator: Kamakshi Murti, Middlebury College

" 'Trash-Culture' for the 'Klassenkampf'? Functionalization and Representation of Multicultural Images in GDR Comics?"
Peggy Piesche, Universität Paderborn

"The Cat's Out of the Bag, or: What an Ancient Greek Fable-Teller, A Turkish-German Novelist, and a Nazi Dictator Have in Common: FELIDAE as Comic"
Marilya Veteto, Northern Arizona University

"Holocaust Avengers: Fact and (Science) Fiction"
Kathrin Bower, University of Richmond

"The Reception of Japanese Manga in Germany: Media, Social Implications, and Cultural Translatability"
Holger Briel, University of Surrey

Commentator: David Brenner, Kent State University

37a. Early Modern Laughter Rituals
Sponsor: DFG-Sonderforschungsbereich "Kulturen des Performativen"
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Fri 2:00 PM ­ 4:00 PM Ascot

Moderator: Elizabeth I. Wade, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh

"Grotesque Wedding Between Mocking Performance and Literary Text"
Katja Gvozdeva, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

"Fool's Performances in Literature: the Case of the Kalenberg Priest"
Hans Rudolf Velten, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

"Ungezogene Artusritter in König Markes Schlafsaal: Funktionen des Lachens"
Christiane Schonert, Technische Universität Berlin

Commentator: William Layher, Washington University

38. Paradigm Shifts Circa 1900
Fri 2:00 PM ­ 4:00 PM Fairfield

Moderator: Elizabeth Ametsbichler, University of Montana

"Sacred Spring: A Theological Reading of Fin-de-siècle Vienna, the Birth of Modernism, and the Eruption of the Holy."
Robert H. Whalen, Queens College, Charlotte, N.C.

"Plastic Dreams: Freud's Moses."
Nicholas Rennie, Rutgers University

"The Invention of the Non-Economic Around 1900."
Fritz Breithaupt, Indiana University

Commentator: Elizabeth Ametsbichler, University of Montana

39. Between Germany and South Africa: Intellectual Confrontations in and beyond the German Colonial Empire
Fri 2:00 PM ­ 4:30 PM Clarendon

Moderator: Thaddeus Sunseri, Colorado State Univesity
"The Humanitarian Bases of Flogging: German Jurists and African Bodies"
Elisa von Joeden-Forgey, University of Pennsylvania

"Being German, Becoming Afrikaner: German Settler Identities in the South-Western Highlands of Tanzania, 1900-1940"
Jan-Bart Gewald, Institute of African Studies, University of Cologne

"An Ethnography of Faith: Conceptions of Religiosity between German Missionaries and African Recipients of Mission"
Caroline Jeannerat, University of Michigan

"From the Bantu to the Bushmen: Carl Meinhof, Nicholas van Warmelo, and the Politics of Linguistic Classification in Germany and South Africa, 1899-1935"
Sara Pugach, Ohio State University

Commentator: Andrew Zimmerman, George Washington University

40. Conservatism in West Germany from the 1950S to the 1970s
Fri 2:00 PM ­ 4:30 PM Pacific Salon Five

Moderator: Hanna Schissler, Georg-Eckert-Institut Braunschweig und Universität

"Jürgen Habermas and Carl Schmitt and the Question of the Liberal State"
Elliot Neaman, University of San Francisco

"Conservatism and the 45er Generation of Intellectuals in West Germany"
Dirk Moses, University of Sydney

"Conservative Conversions: Reinhard Höhn in Nazi Germany and the Federal Republic"
Steven Remy, Brooklyn College, CUNY

"The Hidden Conservatism of Karl Jaspers"
Craig Pepin, Oglethorpe University

Commentator: Jerry Muller, The Catholic University of America

41. Wehrmacht in der Nationalsozialistischen Diktatur
Fri 2:00 PM ­ 4:30 PM Terrace Pavilion

Moderator: Jay W. Baird, Miami University (Ohio)

"Die deutschen Oberbefehlshaber an der Ostfront 1941-1942"
Johannes Hürter, Institut für Zeitgeschichte

"Front und Etappe im deutsch-sowjetischen Krieg 1941-1942"
Christian Hartmann, Institut für Zeitgeschichte

"Die geistige Kriegführung der Wehrmacht, 1939-1942"
Jürgen Förster, Consortium for Atlantic Studies (CAS)

Commentator: Gerhard L. Weinberg, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

42. Gustav Stresemann: Party Leader and Foreign Minister in Imperial and Weimar Germany
Fri 2:00 PM ­ 4:30 PM Sunrise

Moderator: Raffael Scheck, Colby College

" 'Insider' und 'Outsider'? Dresdener Prägungen des jungen Stresemanns"
Simone Lässig, Technische Universität Dresden

"Syndikus ­ Parteiorganisator ­ Politiker: Ein Multitalent in Aktion: Gustav Stresemann 1902-1914"
Karl Heinrich Pohl, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

"Stabilization from the Right: Gustav Stresemann and the Quest for Political Stability, 1923-1929"
Larry Eugene Jones, Canisius College

"The Sisyphus Labors of Gustav Stresemann: Success Abroad and Failure at Home
Hans Mommsen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum"

Commentator: Carole Fink, Ohio State University

43. De(con)structive Characters: Composing and Decomposing the Historical
Subject in Modern German Aesthetics and Culture
Fri 2:00 PM ­ 4:30 PM Pacific Salon Four

Moderator: Daniel L Purdy, Pennsylvania State University

"Decomposed Narrative: Woman and the Mad Other or Reason in Peter Weiss's Die Ästhetik des Widerstands"
Ole Rehberg Gram, University of Minnesota

"Writing Suicide: Gender, Agency, and the Aesthetics of Self-Annihilation in Texts by Inge Müller"
Anke Pinkert, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

"The Bloody Organs of Art: Viennese Actionism (1960s), the Pain of Painting and Painting Pain"
Cecilia Novero, Pennsylvania State University

"Primal Repetitions: Destructive Memory and the Death Drive Beyond Freud's, Jenseits des Lustprinzips"
Karyn Ball, University of Alberta

Commentator: Mila Ganeva, Miami University

44. Creating Citizens, Creating Aliens
Fri 2:00 PM ­ 4:30 PM Sunset

Moderator: Erich G. Pohl, University of Heidelberg

"Closing the Nation: Nationalism and Statism in 19th and 20th Centuries Germany"
Dietmar Schirmer, Cornell University

"From National Citizens to Transnational Legal Subjects?: The Challenge of
Immigration and the Specter of Post-National Denizenhood in Sweden and Germany"
Lars Trägårdh, Barnard College

"Konflikt und Integration: Politische Selbst-und Fremdbilder über ethnische Minderheiten in Polen und Deutschland"
Helmut Fehr, Humboldt University

"Recent American Assimilation Theories and the Current Integration Problems in Germany"
Pawel Lutomski, Stanford University

Commentator: Peter O'Brien, Trinity University

45. Governance and Policy-Making in Germany
Sponsor: Conference Group on German Politics
Fri 2:00 PM ­ 4:30 PM Stratford

Moderator: Wade Jacoby, Brigham Young University

"Policy-Making in Germany: The Case of Ausländerpolitik"
Simon Green, University of Birmingham

"Disentangling the Reformstau: The Reform of Higher Education"
Helga A. Welsh, Wake Forest University

"Machtwechsel in Deutschland: Rhythmen des Regierens"
Karl-Rudolf Korte, University of Duisburg

"The German Budgetary Process. Examining the Relative Importance of Government and Political Parties on the Budgetary Composition"
Thomas Koenig, University of Konstanz

Commentator: Clay Clemens, College of William and Mary

46. The PDS in the Berlin 2001 Election: Consequences for the Bundestagswahl 2002
Fri 2:00 PM ­ 4:30 PM Garden Salon Two

Moderator: Marc Howard, University of Maryland

"Regional Partner and National Pariah: The PDS and the Dual-Party Systems of Unified Germany"
David F. Patton, Connecticut College

"Leadership, Economic Policy, and Coalition Policy in Berlin 2001-2002: Ramifications for the Bundestagswahl 2002 "
Meredith Heiser, Foothill College

"PDS Success in West Berlin 2001: Similarities and Differences in the Bundestagswahl 2002"
Jonathan Olsen, University of Wisconsin-Parkside

Commentator: Daniel Hough, University of Birmingham

47. Identity, Cultural Belonging, and Germanness in the Wake of War: 1871-1950
Fri 2:00 PM ­ 4:30 PM Brittany

Moderator: Donald Avery, University of Western Ontario

"Envisioning the New Nation: German National Identity in 1871"
Irmgard Steinisch, York University

"Thomas Mann: Deutscher, Denker und Europäer"
Beate Neuss, Technische Universität Chemnitz

"Forging a New Heimat: Expellees in West Germany and Canada after the Second World War"
Pascal Maeder, York University

"Britain's German Cousin: From Muse to Hun"
Gisela Argyle, York University

Commentator: Kees Gispen, University of Mississippi, Oxford

48. Sturm und Drang and Cultural Studies
Sponsor: International Lenz/Storm and Stress Society
Fri 2:00 PM ­ 4:30 PM Dover

Moderator: Patricia Simpson, Kenyon College

"Sociality on Stage: Self-Stylization in Life and Performative Texts"
Eric Denton, Wheaton College

"Little Lambs, Open Graves, and Blue Hearts: The Sentimental Circle in Darmstadt"
Monika Nenon, University of Memphis

"Passion, Power, and Homosociality in Götz von Berlichingen"
Kevin Yee, University of California, Irvine

"Outing an Eighteenth-Century Author: Karl Philipp Moritz and Anton Reiser"
Faye Stewart, Indiana University

Commentator: Barbara Becker-Cantarino, Ohio State University

49. Re-Locating the Feminine
Fri 2:00 PM ­ 4:30 PM Pacific Salon Six

Moderator: Beatrice Guenther, College of William and Mary

"'Schein' or 'Sein,' That is the Question: Elisa von der Recke's Familienscenen oder Entwicklungen auf dem Maskenballe"
Bernadette H. Hyner, Washington State University

"Fact or Fiction: Luise Mühlbach's Theory of Historical Fiction"
Deanna Tingley Kendall, Vanderbilt University

"'Es ist gewiß, du bist nicht Ich...' Auf der Such nach sich selbst: Annette von Droste-Hülshoffs Das Spiegelbild"
Heide Witthöft, Virginia Polytechnical Institute

"'Heimat in der Öffentlichkeit': An Exploration of Travel and Relocation in Franziska zu Reventlow's Von Paul zu Pedro"
Marta Folio, Hamilton College

no commentator

50. Lessing Reception in the 20th Century
Sponsor: The Lessing Society
Fri 2:00 PM ­ 4:30 PM Hampton

Moderator: Sara Eigen, Vanderbilt University

"Lessing and the Third Reich"
Ann Schmiesing, University of Colorado at Boulder

"Alte und neue Lessingbilder"
Barbara Fischer, University of Alabama

"Lessing's Aesthetics on Trial"
Beate Allert, Purdue University

"Lessing in the GDR"
Thomas C. Fox, University of Alabama

Commentator: Karl-Heinz Maurer, Knox College

4:30 PM ­ 6:00 PM

Stratford Room


6:00 pm ­ 7:00 pm

Ballroom Foyer


7:00 PM ­ 9:30 PM

Grand Ballroom

Presidential Address
Henry Friedlander
"Eine Berliner Pflanze: An Unusual Kristallnacht Story"

Saturday, October 5, 2002
Sessions 8:30 a.m. ­ 10:15 a.m.

51. Popular Music and Historical Memory in Post-War Germany
Sat 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Garden Salon One

Moderator: Jeffrey Adams, University of North Carolina, Greensboro

"The Cultural Politics of Noise: The Early Recordings of Einstürzende Neubauten"
Mirko Hall, University of Minnesota

"Retro-Nationalism: Rock Music in the Former German Democratic Republic"
Patricia Simpson, Kenyon College

"Skinheads, 'Nazi Rock,' and Historical Memory in Reunified Germany"
Timothy Brown, University of California, Berkeley

Commentator: Edward Larkey, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

52. Queer Berlins: Screening Sexual and Ethnic Topographies
Sat 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Hampton

Moderator: Heidi M. Schlipphacke, Old Dominion University

"Masochism, Marginality, and Metropolis: Kutlug Ataman's Lola and Bilidikid"
Barbara Mennel, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

"Whose Holocaust? Margins, Markets, and Memorial in Aimée and Jaguar"
Christopher Clark, Williams College

"Gender Accidents: Sexuality, Loss, and Recuperation in Hedwig and the Angry Inch"
Elke Heckner, University of Oregon

Commentator: Claudia Breger, University of Indiana

53. There and Back Again: The Production of Knowledge in Turkish-German Encounters
Sat 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Crescent

Moderator: Dieter Sevin, Vanderbilt University

"The Enemy as an Example? 17th Century Ottoman Perspectives on Germans"
Gottfried Hagen, University of Michigan

"From Auerbach to Fricke: Establishing Germanistik in Istanbul, 1933-1950"
Kader Konuk, University of Michigan

"Minor(ity) Literature and the Discourse of Integration in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1978-1985"
Rita Chin, Oberlin College

Commentator: Deniz Göktürk, University of California, Berkeley

54. The Cultural Politics of Publishing in Modern Germany
Sat 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Fairfield

Moderator: Kerstin Barndt, University of Michigan

"Books and Cultural Fragmentation in Germany, 1890-1933"
Gangolf Hübinger, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder

"Translating Foreign Cultures: Nation, Alterity, and the Publisher Eugen Diederichs"
Meike W. Werner, Vanderbilt University

"Redefining Editing: Intersections of Print, Visual, and Performance Culture"
Mark W. Rectanus, Iowa State University

Commentator: Frank Trommler, University of Pennsylvania

54a. Harry Graf Kessler
Sat 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Ascot

Moderator: Thomas Kovach, University of Arizona

"Revisiting Kessler's 1923 Williams College Lectures on Germany and Europe."
Theodore Fiedler, University of Kentucky

"Kessler's Lebensabend auf Mallorca"
Reinhard Andress, Saint Louis University

"Kessler's Exiltagebücher und Autobiographie - das Vermächtnis eines Alteuropäers."
Klaus Weissenberger, Rice University

Commentator: Thomas Kovach, University of Arizona

55. From weiter leben to Still Alive: Ruth Klüger's Holocaust Remembrances
Sat 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Clarendon

Moderator: Ursula Mahlendorf , University of California, Santa Barbara

"Ruth Klüger's weiter leben and Still Alive: From the Politics of Reconciliation to Personal Forgiveness"
Anna Kuhn, University of California, Davis

" 'Mit einem Jahrzeitlicht für den Vater': Memory and Poetry in the Writings of Ruth Klüger"
Sandra Alfers, Dartmouth College

"From weiter leben (1992) to Still Alive (2001): Ruth Klüger's 'German Book' for an American Audience?"
Caroline Schaumann, Emory University


56. Im Schatten der Niederlage: Deutsche Übergänge vom Krieg zum Nachkrieg
Sat 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Pacific Salon Four

Moderator: Geoff Eley, University of Michigan

"Repräsentanten der Not ­ Christliche Wohlfahrtsorganisationen zwischen Krieg und Nachkrieg"
Frank Biess, University of California-San Diego

"Repräsentanten des Ernstfalls ­ Generäle als Russlandheimkehrer und Bundeswehroffiziere"
Klaus Naumann, Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung

"Repräsentanten der Kontinuität ­ Angehörige des Bremer Bürgertums in Krieg und Nachkrieg"
Bernd Ulrich, Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung

Commentator: Omer Bartov, Brown University

57. Zwischen Ohn- und Weltmacht: Die Bundesrepublik in der Ära Adenauer ­ Teilsouverän und weltweit gefordert
Sat 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Pacific Salon Five

Moderator: Daniel E. Rogers, University of South Alabama

"Verschafft Geld Macht? - Weltpolitische Dimensionen der Bonner Entwicklungshilfe für Südasien"
Amit das Gupta, Duitsland Institut Amsterdam

"Scrambling for Africa: The German-German Rivalry South of the Sahara, 1958-1970"
William Glenn Gray, Texas Tech University

" 'Gemeinsame' oder 'richtige' Außenpolitik? Bedeutung und Rolle des auswärtigen Ausschusses des Bundestages 1949 bis 1961"
Joachim Wintzer, Kommission für Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien

Commentator: Lora Wildenthal, Texas A & M University

58. Modernity Begins at Home: Domesticity, Consumerism, and Technology
Sat 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Windsor

Moderator: Brent Maner, Kansas State University

"Taste in Everyday Life; Campaigns to Create Aesthetic Homes at the Fin-de-Siecle"
Jennifer Jenkins, Washington University

"The Hausfrau as National Consumer: Household Technology and Modernity in 1920s Germany"
Eve Duffy, University of North Carolina

"Healthy for Family Life: Television, Gender and Consumerist Modernity in West Germany's Economic Miracle"
Joe Perry, Georgia State University

Commentator: Katherine Pense, Baruch College, CUNY

59. Holocaust und Finanzverwaltung: Neue Forschungen
Sat 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Sunset

Chair: Alan E. Steinweis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

" '... im Kampf gegen das Judentum in vorderster Front eingesetzt': Die Finanzverwaltung und die Verfolgung der Juden in Bayern"
Christiane Kuller, Universität München

" 'Wie mir bekannt geworden ist, beabsichtigen Sie auszuwandern ...'
Die Rolle der Oberfinanzdirektion Hannover bei der Vertreibung der Juden"
Claus Füllberg-Stolberg, Universität Hannover
" 'wie Judensachen zu behandeln': Die Behandlung der Sinti und Roma durch die Finanzverwaltung"
Hans-Dieter Schmid, Universität Hannover
Commentator: Peter Hoffmann, McGill University

59a. Liberalism, Bismarck, and Gender
Sun 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Garden Salon One

Moderator: Harry Ritter, Western Washington University

"Kaiserin Friedrich - Deutschlands liberale Alternative zu Otto von Bismarck? or: The Life of an Uncommon Woman in Imperial Germany"
Michael Epkenhans, Otto-von-Bismarck-Stiftung

"German Liberals, the Well-Ordered Public, and the Patriarchal Nation, 1860-1920"
Geoff Eley, University of Michigan

"Kulturkampf und Geschlechterkampf: Liberalism, Anti-Catholicism and Misogyny in the Nineteenth Century"
Michael Gross, East Carolina University

Commentator: Harry Ritter, Western Washington University


60. National Trauma in the Post-Colonial State: New Approaches to the Weimar Republic
Sat 8:30 AM­ 10:15 AM Eaton

Moderator: Reiner Pommerin, TU Dresden

" Rhetorics of Bolshevik Invasion and Russian Colonization in Weimar
Ari Sammertino, University of Michigan

"The Changing Shape of the Nation: Weimar Negotiations with
Postcolonial Loss"
Kristin Kopp, Harvard University

"The Rheinland Occupation and Fears of Reverse Colonization"
Marcia Klotz: University of California, Irvine

Commentator: Reiner Pommerin, TU Dresden

61. Women in Right-Wing Movements: Zwischen 'Arterhaltung' und 'Karriereleiter'
Sponsor: Women in German (WiG)
Sat 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Pacific Salon Six

Moderator: Daniela Loewenthal, Brandeis University
"Zwischen Antisexismus und völkischem Denken ­ Frauenorganisierung und Frauen(selbst)bilder in der bundesdeutschen rechtsextremen Szene seit Ende der 1980er Jahre"
Renate Bitzan, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

"Regendering Party Politics in Weimar Germany: The Case of Käthe Schirrmacher and the DNVP"
Patricia Mazón, State University of New York, Buffalo

" 'Unser Kampfplatz ist die Familie' ­ Der Königin-Luise-Bund (1923 ­ 1934)"
Eva Schöck-Quinteros, Universität Bremen

Commentator: Uta Larkey, Goucher College

62. Universitäten und Zivilgesellschaft: Persepktiven der aktuellen Universitätsreform in Österreich
Sat 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Stratford

Moderator: Jürgen Nautz, Universität Kassel

"Die 'autonomisierte' Universität und die Zivilgesellschaft"
Lothar Zechlin, Universität Graz

Universitäten in der Zivilgesellschaft: Braucht die Universität einen (neuen) Bildungsauftrag?
Gertrude Brinek, Universität Wien

"Studierende, Massenuniversitäten und die Zivilgesellschaft: Von demokratiepolitischen Idealen zu realpolitischer Zukunftsfähigkeit?"
Josef Leidenfrost, Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur

"Die erfolgreiche Zivilgesellschaft einst und heute"
Endre Kiss, Wien

Commentator: Alexander Motyl, Rutgers University

63. Populism and Party Politics in Germany: Strategic Campaigning, Issue Salience, and the 2002 Bundestag Elections
Sat 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Dover

Moderator: Richard Moeller, Metropolitan State College of Denver

"The Politics of the Heartland. German Populism in a European Perspective"
Paul Taggart, BMW Center for German and European Studies, Georgetown University

"Squaring the Strategic Circle: Issue Salience, Populism, and Ideology in the 'West German' Party System"
Charles Lees, University of Sussex

"The Eastern German Party System and the 2002 Federal Election: Parties, Personalities and Populism "
Dan Hough, University of Birmingham

Commentator: Peter Merkl, University of California, Santa Barbara

64. German Foreign Policy in a New World
Sat 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Stratford

Moderator: Forest Grieves, University of Montana

"Germany and Peacekeeping: Power Projection After Unification"
Mary Hampton, University of Utah

"The United States and Germany: Changing Domestic Sources of Cooperation?"
Monika Medick-Krakau, Technische Universität Dresden

"Germany and the 'War on Terrorism': Domestic and International Factors Defining Germany's Role"
Mary M. McKenzie, Grossmont College

"Political Culture Challenged - the Events of 9/11 and the Shaping of German Foreign
Regina Karp, Old Dominion University

Commentator: Gerlinde Bernd, University of California, Santa Barbara

65. Competing Voices of Patriotism in Late Nineteenth-Century Germany
Sat 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Garden Salon Two

Moderator: Andrea Orzoff, New Mexico State University

"Remembering a Different War: Catholic and Protestant Uses of Nationalist Rhetoric in the Commemorations of the Franco-Prussian War in Konstanz, 1870-1875"
Pontus A. Hiort, Northern Illinois University

"Between Exclusion and Enfranchisement: Polish-Speaking Silesians and German Unification"
James E. Bjork, Rice University

"Patriotism and Poetry in the Early 1870s: Contesting the Discourse of German Unification"
Lorie A. Vanchena, Creighton University

Commentator: Daniel Unowsky, The University of Memphis

66. Aesthetic Education and Secularization in the Enlightenment
Sat 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Brittany

Moderator: Eric Denton, Wheaton College

"Conversion: Georg Christoph Lichtenberg's Criticism of a 'New' Mode of Secularization"
Stephan Braese, Universität Bremen

"Enlightenment Narratives of Maturation: Alexander Baumgarten's Aesthetica"
Anthony Krupp, University of Miami

"The Beautiful Soul: An Empty Aesthetic Creation"
Victoria Webb, University of Utah

Commentator: Beate Allert, Purdue University

67. Marriage and Sexuality in the Nineteenth Century
Sat 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Ascot

Moderator: Lynne Tatlock, Washington University

"Irrungen, (Ver-)wirrungen auch bei Keller?: Der spielerische Einsatz von Geschlecht und Sexualität in Kellers Novellen"
Jason Wilby, University of California, Irvine

"'In-sanity' in Hedwig Dohm's Novella, Werde wie du bist"
Elizabeth G. Ametsbichler, University of Montana, Missoula

"Arthur Schnitzler's Cowardly Men"
G.J. Weinberger, Central Connecticut State University

Commentator: Laura Deiulio, College of William and Mary

68. Not So Plain as Black and White - New Perspectives on Afro-German History and Culture
Sat 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Sheffield

Moderator: Reinhild Steingröver, Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester

"Dangerous Liaisons: Race, Nation, and German Identity"
Fatima El-Tayeb, Amherst College

"Narrating 'Race' in 1950s West Germany: The Phenomenon of the Toxi Films"
Heide Fehrenbach, Northern Illinois University

"Type and Stereotype: Afro-Germans and the Media of the Kulturnation"
Randall Halle, University of Rochester

Commentator: Russell Berman, Stanford University

68a. East Meets West: Dialogue on the Future of German Studies in Europe
Sat 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 PM Pacific Salon Seven

Moderator: Lothar Probst, Universität Bremen

Joost Kleuters, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen
Tomas Pszczolkowski, University of Warsaw, Poland
Jiri Pesek, University of Prague
Marianne Beauviche, Ûniversité d'Avignon et des Pays de Vauclose, France

Saturday, October 5, 2002
Session 10:30 a.m. ­ 12:15 p.m.

69. The Nation on Display: Contemporary Museum Culture
Sat 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Sheffield

Moderator: Meike Werner, Vanderbilt University

"Embodying Progress in a Democratic Germany:
Günter von Hagen's Körperwelten as Exhibitionary Practice"
Peter McIsaac, Duke University

"Millennial Visions. Museal Practice in Germany after 1989"
Kerstin Barndt, University of Michigan

"Crossing Lines: Respecularizing the Holocaust in the Works of Felix Nussbaum and Daniel Libeskind"
Eric Kligerman, University of Florida, Gainesville

Commentator: Vanessa Agnew, University of Michigan

70. Judging the Past: Nazi Crimes and Judicial Proceedings in Germany and Austria
Sat 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Pacific Salon Six

Moderator: Norman J.W. Goda, Ohio University

"Indicting Auschwitz? The Paradox of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial"
Rebecca Wittmann, Marquette University

"Death is a Master from Austria: The Vienna Trial of the Construction Engineers of Auschwitz in 1972"
Mike Allen, Georgia Institute of Technology

"Insulting History and Memory: German Law and Holocaust Denial"
Lawrence Douglas, Amherst College

Commentator: Alan Steinweis, University of Nebraska at Lincoln

71. Mimesis at Sixty
Sat 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Clarendon

Moderator: Kader Konuk, University of Michigan

"Postcolonial Theory in Auerbach's Western Canon?"
Paul Reitter, Ohio State University

"Mimesis and Modernism"
Brett Wheeler, Georgetown University

"Auerbach in Istanbul"
Hinrich C. Seeba, University of California, Berkeley

Commentator: Ruth Starkman, University of California, Berkeley

72. Imagining Catastrophe I: German Culture After 1914
Sat 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Garden Salon One

Moderator: Julia Hell, University of Michigan

"Culture and Catastrophe in Thomas Mann's Zauberberg"
Russell Berman, Stanford University

"Personal Effects: Photography, Memory, and Narrative in Thomas Mann's Zauberberg and W. G. Sebald's Austerlitz"
Eric Downing, University of North Carolina

"Seeing Catastrophe: Benjamin's and Canetti's Revision of Satire"
Kai Evers, Duke University

Commentator: Peter C. Pfeiffer, Georgetown University

73. Youth, Family, National Socialism in Film
Sat 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Hampton

Moderator: Peter Beicken, University of Maryland

"Family Values in NS Wartime Films: Zwei in einer großen Stadt and Die Degenhardts"
Richard Rundell, New Mexico State University

"The Exile Returns as Conquering Soldier: Collisions of Past and Future in Wolf's Ich war neunzehn and Corti's Welcome to Vienna"
Christopher J. Wickham, University of Texas, San Antonio

"NS-Geschichte bei Schlöndorff: Sein Unhold im Lichte seiner früheren Filme"
H.-B. Moeller, University of Texas, Austin

Commentator: Ingeborg Majer O'Sickey, State University of New York, Binghampton

74. Germanizing the Polish Periphery: "Volkstumskampf" in Silesia, Masuria, and Poznania after the First World War
Sat 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Crescent

Moderator: Elizabeth Morrow Clark, West Texas A&M

"From Staatsvolk to Volksdeutsche: The 'Easternization' of the German Minority in Poznania, 1918/1939"
Winson Chu, University of California, Berkeley

" 'East Prussian' or 'Polish'? The Masurians in the Plebiscite 1920"
Andreas Kossert, German Historical Institute in Warsaw

"State, Region, and Nation on the Periphery: Poles, Germans, and Silesians in the Crisis of 1914 to 1921"
T. Hunt Tooley, Austin College

Commentator: Richard Blanke, University of Maine

75. The Fight for the Files: Captured German Records after World War II
Co-Sponsored by the German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C., and the German Historical Institute, Paris
Sat 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Pacific Salon Four

Moderator: Christoph Mauch, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.

"Akten als Element der Vergangenheitsbewältigung: Das Schicksal deutscher Akten nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Frankreich"
Stefan Martens, Deutsches Historisches Institut, Paris

" 'We Should Profoundly Deplore the Loss to Historical Truth': British Perspectives on the Return of Captured German Records"
Astrid M. Eckert, Free University Berlin

"Beschaffung und Verwendung nationalsozialistischen Schriftguts durch das Ministerium für Staatssicherheit der ehemaligen DDR"
Henry Leide, Behörde der Bundesbeauftragten für die Unterlagen des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der ehemaligen DDR ­ Außenstelle Rostock

Commentator: Gerhard L. Weinberg, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

76. Universities, Historians, and National Identity in the Shadow of the Nazi State
Sat 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Pacific Salon Five

Moderator: James F. Tent, University of Alabama at Birmingham

"Karl Brandi, Percy Schramm, and the History of National Identity at Göttingen University"
Robert P. Ericksen, Pacific Lutheran University

"History, Historians, and the University of Freiburg in the Third Reich"
Christoph Cornelissen, Universität Düsseldorf

"Reichs- and Frontuniversitäten in Nazi-occupied Europe and the Strategies of Germanization"
Gerhard Hirschfeld, Universität Stuttgart

Commentator Hartmut Lehmann, Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte, Göttingen

77. Re-Nazification and/or Amnesia: Holocaust and Austrian Politics of Memory after the Withdrawal of the Allies in 1955
Sat 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Dover

Moderator: Günter Bischof, Center Austria, University of New Orleans

" 'Re-Nazification,' Suppression, Clarification: The Struggle for the Commemoration of the Holocaust, 1955 to 1970"
Heidemarie Uhl, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna

"Finding a Voice, Establishing a Position: Jewish Writing in Postwar Vienna"
Dagmar Lorenz, University of Illinois - Chicago

"Survivors of Resistance and Holocaust as a Nuisance in Herr Karl's Austria"
Winfried R. Garscha, Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes

Commentator: Thomas Albrich, Universität Innsbruck

78. Roundtable on the 2002 Election and German Foreign Policy
Sponsor: Conference Group on German Politics
Sat 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Sunrise

Moderator: Stephen Szabo, Johns Hopkins SAIS
Christian Hacke, Universität Bonn
Stefan Kornelius, Süddeutsche Zeitung
Hans Dieter Lucas, Political Counselor, German Embassy

Wolfram Maas, Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, Washington

79. Germany's First Red-Green Government in Retrospect: A Critical Review of the Red-Green Project
Sat 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Stratford

Moderator: Werner Reutter, University of Minnesota

"The Red-Green Government in Comparative Perspective"
Eckhard Schroeter, University of California, Berkeley

"Environmental Policy of the Red-Green Government"
Kristine Kern, Science Center Berlin

"Great Expectations ­ Assessing Four Years of Red-Green Gender Politics"
Silke Roth, University of Pennsylvania

Commentator: Oliver Schmidtke, University of Victoria, Canada

80. The Incestuous Imagination in German Literature
Sat 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Eaton

Moderator: Karen Barkemeyer, University of Missouri

"Between Allusion and Enigma: Antique Rhetoric and Incest in Romanticism"
Angela Borchert, The University of Western Ontario

"Incest and Cultural Voyeurism"
Stefani Engelstein, The University of Missouri

"Sibling Incest and the Problem of Self-Formation"
Andreas Gailus, University of Chicago

Commentator: Katja Garloff, Reed College

80a. Nazi Crimes and Private Assets in World War II
Sat 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Pacific Salon Seven

Moderator: Jay W. Baird, Miami University (Ohio)

"The Bergier Commission Report on Switzerland and World War II"
Christian Blickenstorfer, Ambassador of Switzerland to the United States

"Receiving Stolen Property: The Role of Private Companies and the Neutral States in the Confiscation of Jewish Assets During the Third Reich"
Martin C. Dean, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

"Euthanasia on Trial: Early Adjudication of Nazi Crimes and the Example of Hadamar"
Patricia Heberer, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Commentator: Geoffrey J. Giles, University of Florida

81. The Art of Living: Ästhetik und Metaphorik des Wohnens
Sat 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Garden Salon Two

Moderator: Roswitha Burwick, Scripps College

"'Und wo man wohnt, da muß man sich gewöhnen': Zur Ästhetik des Interieurs und der Dekoration bei Goethe"
Walter Pape, Universität zu Köln

"The Bourgeois Art of Moving in Place"
Marc Katz, Scripps College

"'Das Ganze zunächst schwerfällig, und dabei prätentiös und ärmlich zugleich': Wahrnehmung und Metaphorik von Innen-Räumen bei Theodor Fontane"
Anna Campanile, Universität zu Köln

Commentator: Yvonne Houy, Pomona College

82. Nineteenth-Century Representations of the Foreign
Sat 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Brittany

Moderator: Benita Carol Blessing, Ohio University

"Comparative Linguistics and Ethnology: In Search of Indo-Germans in Central Asia, 1806-1835"
Kveta E. Benes, University of Pennsylvania

"Empathy and Male Fantasies: Native Americans in Nineteenth-Centuty Germany"
H. Glenn Penny, University of Missouri, Kansas City

"Exotic Selves, Domestic Others, and Colonizing Knochenmark: Representing Foreignness and Sameness in Science and Politics, ca. 1900"
Bradley D. Naranch, Johns Hopkins University

Commentator: David F. Lindenfeld, Louisiana State University

83. Language, Gender, and Power
Sat 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Windsor

Moderator: Sara Poor, Stanford University

"Kriemhilt's Kiss"
William Layher, Washington University

"In Festo Paschali: Language, Gender, and Performative Devotion in the Easter Plays from Wienhausen."
June Mecham, University of Kansas

"Visionary Or Hysteric? Ingeborg Bachmann's Malina and Mechthild of Magdeburg's The Flowing Light of the Godhead."
Kamakshi P. Murti, Middlebury College

Commentator: Ann Marie Rasmussen, Duke University

84. Die Archivlandschaft Deutschlands nach der Wiedervereinigung
Sat 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Sunset

Moderator: Rainer Hering, Staatsarchiv Hamburg

"Neue Chancen für die Forschung nach Umwälzung der deutschen Archivlandschaft seit 1990"
Hartmut Weber, Bundesarchiv, Koblenz

"Archive und Forschungsbibliotheken für Literatur-und Kulturgeschichte"
Ulrich Ott, Schiller-Nationalmuseum und Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach

"Das Politische Archiv des Auswärtigen Amts: Quellen zur Außenpolitik und mehr"
Peter Grupp, Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amts, Berlin

Commentator: Ronald Smelser, University of Utah

85. The City and the Poor, 1800-2000
Sat 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Fairfield

Moderator: Geoffrey Eley, University of Michigan

"Social Housing and the Urban Elite: Attempts at Solving the Social Housing Question in Leipzig, Boston, and New York City"
Thomas Adam, University of Texas at Arlington

"Bürger and Workers in the Trade City of Frankfurt am Main, 1800-1933"
Ralf Roth, Universität Frankfurt

Poverty and Paternalism in Hamburg and Bremen (late 18th and 19th centuries)"
Frank Hatje, Universität Hamburg

Commentator: Andrew Lees, Rutgers University

12:30 ­ 1:45 PM
Grand Ballroom

Speaker: William E. Paterson, FRSE
University of Birmingham, UK

"The German Bundestag Elections of 2002"




Saturday, October 5, 2002
Sessions 2:00 p.m. ­ 3:45 p.m.

86. Martin Walser at 75
Sat 2:00 PM ­ 3:45 PM Windsor

Moderator: James Reece, University of Idaho

"Der schöpfende Narziss: Martin Walser als Leser und Autor"
Alexander Mathäs, University of Oregon

"Past and Present in Walser's Ein springender Brunnen"
Francis Michael Sharp, University of the Pacific

"Die Symbiose von Erzähler und Figur:
Über Martin Walsers Roman Der Lebenslauf der Liebe"
Heike Doane, Independent Scholars' Association

Commentator: Gerald A. Fetz, University of Montana

87. Pathology, Physiognomy, Performativity: Body Cultures in Weimar
Sat 2:00 PM ­ 3:45 PM Eaton

Moderator: Andrew Hewitt, UCLA

"The Americanization of the German Body: Variété and Sport in Weimar Germany"
Andrew Hewitt, UCLA

"Ludwig Klages and the Signification of the Jewish Body"
Nitzan Lebovic, UCLA

"Consuming the Jewish Body: Sensation and Spectacle in the Performance of Siegmund Breitbart"
Sharon Gillerman, Hebrew Union College

"A Playing Body: The Jewish Actor, the Burden of Identity"
Galili Shahar, Freie Universität Berlin

Commentator: Anson Rabinbach, Princeton University

88. German Jewish Popular Fiction
Sat 2:00 PM ­ 3:45 PM Fairfield

Moderator: Leslie Morris, University of Minnesota

"Kitsch/Melodrama/Literary Genius: Rereading Gertrud Kolmar's Eine jüdische Mutter"
Irene Kacandes, Dartmouth College

"Holly Jane Rahlens Between Berlin and Las Vegas"
Frank Hirschbach, University of Minnesota

"A Love in Germany: Stephanie Zweig's Der Traum vom Paradies"
Inge Aures, DePauw University

Commentator: Atina Grossmann, Cooper Union

89. Revisions of Socialist Cinematic Modernity: East German Film in the 1960s
Sat 2:00 PM ­ 3:45 PM Sheffield

Moderator: Sabine Hake, University of Pittsburgh

"Spur der Steine: The Filming of the Abstract?"
John Davidson, Ohio State University

"Uneasy Rider: Konrad Wolf's Ich war Neunzehn (I was Nineteen)"
Larson Powell, Texas A&M University

"Bikinis, The Beach and Brecht: Genre Adaptation in Heisser Sommer"
Mareike Herrmann, College of Wooster

Commentator: Reinhard K. Zachau, University of the South, Sewanee

90. To See or Not to See: Kafka and the Cinematic Imagination
Sat 2:00 PM ­ 3:45 PM Hampton

Moderator: Helga Schreckenberger, University of Vermont

"Kafka's Sugar Plum Visions: The Invisible Hand that Feeds"
Eric Williams, Texas A & M University

"Kafka's 'Stierfechter': Cinematic Fantasy and Masquerade in The Trial"
Peter Beicken, University of Maryland

"Transpositions of film noir in Steven Soderbergh's Kafka"
Jeffrey Adams, University of North Carolina, Greensboro

Commentator: Stephen Dowden, Brandeis University

91. The Periphery as Center: Region, Nation, and Cultural History in Modern Germany
Sat 2:00 PM ­ 3:45 PM Crescent

Moderator: David Crew, University of Texas

"Alsatians into Germans? The Politics of Germanization in Alsace-Lorraine 1870-1918"
Anthony J. Steinhoff, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga

"Modernism Outside the Metropolis: Cultural Practice in Interwar Göttingen"
David Imhoof, Susquehanna University

"State Fair: Showcasing the Nation at the Leipziger Messe"
Daphne Berdahl, University of Minnesota

Commentator: Dieter Buse, Laurentian University

92. "The Red Hoard"/ "The Russians" / "The Soviets" ­ Moscow's Presence in Austria after April 1945: Historical Observations, Current Commentaries, and New Findings
Sat 2:00 PM ­ 3:45 PM Dover

Moderator: Stefan Karner, Universität Graz

"Control and Observation in Austria's Soviet Zone: Arrests of Austrians 1945-1955"
Harald Knoll, Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institut für Kriegsfolgenforschung, Graz

"The Red Army in Austria: Aspects of Everyday Life after the War"
Barbara Stelzl-Marx, Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institut für Kriegsfolgenforschung, Graz

"From 'Allies' to Cold War Adversaries: Russia and the United States in Austria between VE-Day and the Founding of the Warsaw Pact"
Josef Leidenfrost, Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur, Vienna

Commentator: Alexander Motyl, Rutgers University

93. Germany Views the East: New Perspectives
Sat 2:00 PM ­ 3:45PM Pacific Salon Four

Moderator: Geoffrey P. Megargee, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, USHMM

"Prisms of War and Defeat: German Views of Eastern Europeans After World War I"
Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius, University of Tennessee

"Placing Eastern Europe in the German Imperialist Imagination of the Weimar Republic"
James Casteel, Rutgers University

"Understanding Motives of German Administrators in Nazi Occupied Poland"
David Furber, State University of New York, Buffalo

"Deutsche als Opfer des KZ Auschwitz"
Joachim Neander, State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau

Commentator: Francis Nicosia, St. Michael's College

94. Imagining the Nazi State
Sat 2:00 PM ­ 3:45 PM Pacific Salon Seven

Moderator: Norbert Haase, Stiftung Sächisische Gedenkstätten, Dresden

"Carl Schmitt's 'France' and European Legal Thought"
David W. Bates, University of California, Berkeley

"Politics and Race in the Stephan George Circle"
Peter Hoffmann, McGill University

"Writing the Fascist Metropolis: Visions of Hitler's 'Neues Berlin'"
Eric Jarosinski, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Comment: Eric D. Kohler, University of Wyoming

95. Deutschland nach den Wahlen: Analyse und Ausblick
Sponsor: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Sat 2:00 PM ­ 3:45 PM Sunrise

Moderator: Dieter Dettke, Washington Office, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

"Bundestagswahlen 2002 ­ Was haben nun wirklich diese Wahlen entschieden?"
Dieter Roth, Forschungsgruppe Wahlen

"Der Ausgang der Bundestagswahlen und seine Bedeutung für die Zukunft"
Volkmar Schultz, Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestags

"Der Ausgang der Bundestagswahlen ­ eine amerikanische Perspektive"
David Conradt, East Carolina University

Commentator: Gerald R. Kleinfeld, Arizona State University

96. Can Innovation Save Rhenish Capitalism?
Sat 2:00 PM ­ 3:45 PM Stratford

Moderator: Peter Loedel, West Chester University

"Pacts on Employment and Competitiveness"
Hartmut Seifert, Institute for Economic and Social Research, WSI

"Is there a Future for Employers' Collective Interest Representation?"
Martin Behrens, Cornell University

"Working Conditions and Labor Relations in the Services Sector: The Example of Information Technology"
Gudrun Trautwein-Kalms, Institute for Economic and Social Research, WSI

Commentator: Wade Jacoby, Brigham Young University

97. Self-Representation in Literature and the Arts
Sat 2:00 PM ­ 3:45 PM Brittany

Moderator: Dorothee Ostmeier, University of Oregon

"Erotic and Aesthetic Conquest in Goethe's Römische Elegien"
Claire Baldwin, Colgate University

"Arnold Böcklin and the End of Neoclassicism"
Suzanne Marchand, Louisiana State University

"Symbolic Representation Without Symbols: Max Liebermann's Self-Portraits"
Marion Deshmukh, George Mason University

Commentator: Karen Achberger, St. Olaf College

98. Freud and German Literature
Sat 2:00 PM ­ 3:45 PM Garden Salon Two

Moderator: Gail K. Hart, University of California, Irvine

"Romantic Jokes: Freud Reads Jean-Paul"
Patricia Anne Simpson, Kenyon College

"Freud on Goethe: A Proto-Analysis"
Evelyn Moore, Kenyon College

"Freudian Paradigms and German Literary Criticism"
Jill Anne Kowalik, UCLA

Commentator: Ursula Mahlendorf, University of California, Santa Barbara

99. From Domestic Bliss to Domestic Violence
Sat 2:00 PM ­ 3:45 PM Ascot

Moderator: Kevin Yee, University of California, Irvine

"Forging the Marital Bond: Pastors and the Initiation of Marriage in 18th-Century Württemberg"
Beate Popkin, University of Kentucky

"Die 'einzig nichtswürdige Tat' und das 'Allgemeine Landrecht für die Preussischen Staaten' (1794): Zu Kleists Marquise von O"
Gesa Dane, Universität Göttingen

"The Gendering of Art and Nature in Dorothea Schlegel's Florentin"
Anika Kiehne, University of Utah

Commentator: Ann Schmiesing, University of Colorado at Boulder

100. Human Relations in Medieval German Literature
Sat 2:00 PM ­ 3:45 PM Clarendon

Moderator: June Mecham, University of Kansas

"Viennese Views of Emperor Frederick I and Frederick II in Jans Enikel's Weltchronik"
Maria Dobozy, University of Utah

"Ohnmacht der Frauen: Conjugal Substitutions and Trade-offs in Courtly Romances"
Karl A. Zaenker, University of British Columbia, Canada

"Women and the Power of Language"
Albrecht Classen, University of Arizona

Commentator: Jean Godsall-Myers, Widener University

101. Lies, Spies, and Traitors: Jewish Women in Compromising Positions
Sat 2:00 PM ­ 3:45 PM Pacific Salon Six

Moderator: Elke Heckner, University of Oregon

" 'Sittenkontrolle ist hier bereits eingeführt':
Jewish Prostitution in German South-West Africa"
Joachim Warmbold, Tel Aviv University

"Freud and Breuer's 'Anna O.' (Bertha Pappenheim) in the Brothel:
A Jewish Feminist's Crusade Against White Slavery and Prostitution"
Elisabeth Loentz, University of Illinois, Chicago

" 'Als Stubenmädchen bei Mrs. Snob': Maria Leitner, Undercover Reporter and Novelist"
Sonja Hedgepeth, Middle Tennessee State University

"The Enemy Within: Role Reversals and Stereotyping in Aimée and Jaguar"
Iris Bruce, McMaster University

Commentator: Dagmar C.G. Lorenz, University of Illinois, Chicago

Saturday, October 5, 2002
Sessions 4:00 p.m. ­ 5:45 p.m.

102. New Theoretical Approaches to Weimar Cinema
Sat 4:00 PM ­ 5:45 PM Sheffield

Moderator: Valerie Weinstein, University of Nevada, Reno

"The Figure of Marlene Dietrich in Joseph von Sternberg's The Blue Angel"
Barbara Kosta, University of Arizona

"Survival Strategies: Leni Riefenstahl and Thea von Harbou in the Context of Weimar's New Woman"
Ingeborg Majer O'Sickey, State University of New York, Binghampton

"Law and the Narrative in The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari: Reviewing the False Arrest"
Sara Hall, University of Illinois, Chicago

Commentator: Barbara Mennel, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

103. Americanization and Anti-Americanism in German Culture After 1945
Sat 4:00 PM ­ 5:45 PM Windsor

Moderator: Alexander Stephan, Ohio State University

"'New York is More Fun:' Literary Encounters Between German Jews and Jewish Americans in the 1990s"
Todd Herzog, University of Cincinnati

" 'was wirklich alltäglich abfällt.' Zur Rezeption der amerikanischen Pop-Kultur im Deutschland der 60er Jahre"
Stefan Greif, Universität Paderborn

"Germans to the Final Frontier: Cultural Anti-Americanism in 1960s Germany"
Thomas Kniesche, Brown University

Commentator: Christine Haase, University of Georgia

104. Cultural Appropriations: Assimilation, Adaptation, Colonization"
Sat 4:00 PM ­ 5:45 PM Hampton

Moderator: Silke-Maria Weineck, University of Michigan

"On Othering and Assimilation in Hugo von Hofmannsthal's Märchen der 672. Nacht"
Imke Meyer, Bryn Mawr College

"Appropriated Desires: Lesbianism and the Boarding School"
Heidi M. Schlipphacke, Old Dominion University

"Wagner's Dreams, Zizek's Deaths, and the Triumphal Defeat of the Colonial Enterprise: On the Function of Opera in Werner Herzog's Fitzcarraldo"
Karin Bauer, McGill University

" 'Wenn du nach Afrika gehst, vergiss die Peitsche nicht': Ingeborg Bachmanns Franza im Kontext der postkolonialen Reiseliteratur"
Sabine Wilke, University of Washington

Commentator: Andrea Gogröf-Voorhees, Western Washington University

105. Theology as Ideology in Nazi and Postwar Germany
Sat 4:00 PM ­ 5:45 PM Pacific Salon Four

Moderator: Michael Phayer, Marquette University

"The Text and Context of Nazi 'Theology'"
Richard Steigmann-Gall, Kent State University

"'Christian Charity' and 'Jewish Vengeance': Bishop Aloisius Muench's One World in Charity, 1946­1947"
Suzanne Brown-Fleming, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

"Protestant Theology and the Conversion of Jews, 1945­1950"
Matthew D. Hockenos, Skidmore College

Commentator: Doris Bergen, Notre Dame University

106. 'Stasi-Täter': Selbst- und Fremdbild einer Gruppe
Sat 4:00 PM ­ 5:45 PM Crescent

Moderator: Mary Beth Stein, The George Washington University

"Die Konkurrenz der Opfergruppen in der Erinnerungskultur"
Friedhelm Boll, Institut für Sozialgeschichte, Braunschweig-Bonn

"Welt- und Menschenbild der Staatssicherheit der DDR"
Petra Morawe, Behandlungszentrum für Folteropfer Berlin

"Bewußte und unbewußte Motivation für die Zusammenarbeit mit dem MfS"
Ingrid Kerz-Rühling, Sigmund-Freud-Institut, Frankfurt am Main

Commentator: Harold Marcuse, University of California, Santa Barbara

106a. Stories From Austria: New Perspectives on the Work of Lilian Faschinger
Sat 4:00 PM ­ 5:45 PM Pacific Salon Six

Moderator: Patricia Herminghouse, University of Rochester

" 'Schweigen ist nicht Gold, Schweigen ist der Tod':
The Scheherazade Novels of Lilian Faschinger and Irmtraud Morgner"
Jeanette Clausen, Indiana University-Purdue, Fort Wayne

"Forceful Confessions: Magdalene Sünderin and Faschinger's Austria Critique"
Reinhild Steingröver, Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester

"Voices from the Margin: Lilian Faschinger's Wiener Passion"
Helga Schreckenberger, University of Vermont

Commentator: Lilian Faschinger, Austria


107. The Limits of 'Eigen-Sinn': The GDR in the 1950s
Sat 4:00 PM ­ 5:45 PM Dover

Moderator: Bernd Schaefer, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.

"Shopping Must Become a Joy: Consumer Negotiations and the East German Trade Conference of 1959"
Katherine Pence, Baruch College, CUNY

"Heimat DDR: The Invention of a 'National' Community, 1949-61"
Jan Palmowski, King's College London

"Bitterfeld and those who Left, 1953-1961"
Helmut Walser Smith, Vanderbilt University

Commentator: Konrad H. Jarausch, Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam


108. Strangeness and Being Strange in the GDR: Foreigners and "Others in State Socialism
Sat 4:00 PM ­ 5:45 PM Sunset

Moderator: Nathan Stoltzfus, Florida State University

"The Problem of Difference at the Intersection of State Rule and Social Practice: The Case of Rostock during the 1980s"
Joan Hackeling, University of California at Los Angeles

"Relations between Soviet Armed Forces with East German Society: Between Ritual and Everyday Life"
Christian Th. Müller, Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam

"Teure Genossen: Die politische Emigranten in der DDR"
Patrice G. Poutrus, Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam

Commentator: Eric D. Weitz, University of Minnesota

109. Roundtable: How Jewish are German Studies? (II)
Sat 4:00 PM ­ 5:45 PM Pacific Salon Five

Moderator: Y. Michael Bodemann, University of Toronto

Amir Eshel, Stanford University
Atina Grossmann, Cooper Union
Noah Isenberg, Wesleyan University
Jody Lewen, University of California, Berkeley
Jeffrey Peck, York University/Université de Montréal
Anson Rabinbach, Princeton University

110. A DAAD Centers Roundtable: Germany at the Polls-An Analysis and Discussion of The 2002 National Elections
Sat 4:00 PM ­ 5:45 PM Sunrise

Moderator: Klaus Berghahn, Center for German and European Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Crister S. Garrett, Center for German and European Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Beverly Crawford, Center for German Studies, University of California-Berkeley
Charlie Jeffery, Institute for German Studies, University of Birmingham
Simon Green, Institute for German Studies, University of Birmingham
Kenneth Dyson, University of Bradford

111. Gender and Violence in Turn-of-the-Century Austrian Literature
Sat 4:00 PM ­ 5:45 PM Eaton

Moderator: Harry Ritter, Western Washington University

"Die Vernichtung der nicht-domestizierten Frau: Ferdinand von Saars 'Die Troglodytin'" (1886/87)
Michael Boehringer, University of Waterloo

"The Disintegration of Self in 'Venus am Kreuz' by Else Kotanyi-Jerusalem"
Agatha Schwarz, University of Ottawa

"Sexual Violence in Texts by Turn-of-the-Century Austrian Women Writers"
Sigrid Schmidt-Bortenschlager, Universität Salzburg

"Violating the Self and the Other in Arthur Schnitzler's 'Reigen' and 'Anatol'"
Rüdiger Mueller, University of Guelph

Commentator: Jacqueline Vansant, University of Michigan

112. The New Berlin: Reading the Phenotype
Sat 4:00 PM ­ 5:45 PM Garden Salon Two

Moderator: Jeremy D. Popkin, University of Kentucky

"Privatizing Memory: The Soviet Monuments in Berlin"
Hans J. Rindisbacher, Pomona College

"Flânerie in the New Berlin: Beetween Authentic Experience and Postmodern Spectacle"
Rolf J. Goebel, University of Alabama, Huntsville

"Sparatakus Remembered, Spartakus Effaced?: Commemorative Cultures in Post-Wall Berlin"
Neil Christian Pages, SUNY, Binghamton

Commentator: David Clay Large, University of Montana

113. Ritual, Culture, and Knowledge in Late Medieval Germany
Sponsor: YMAGINA (Young Medievalist Germanists in North America)
Sat 4:00 PM ­ 5:45 PM Brittany

Moderator: Kathryn Starkey, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"Taking Notes: A Late Medieval Compendium of Magical and Practical Texts."
Elizabeth I. Wade, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

"Lesen, Lehren, Archivieren. Von der Arbeit am 'Renner' Hugos von Trimberg."
Thomas Rathmann, Technische Universität Berlin

"Eastern Europe in Late Medieval German Cultural Memory: Ludwig von Eyb's Turnierbuch"
Alexander Sager, University of Georgia

Commentator: James A. Schultz, University of California, Los Angeles

114. Adorno and the Return to Aesthetics
Sat 4:00 PM ­ 5:45 PM Fairfield

Moderator: Gerhard Richter, University of Wisconsin, Madison

" 'Über die Versöhnung der Schatten der Sehnsucht': Zu Adornos Philosophie der Literatur"
Volker Kaiser, University of Virginia

"Adorno's Opposition to the Immediacy of Aesthetic Experience"
David Weberman, Georgia State University

"Adorno on Art: The Aesthetic Theory and the Recent Turn to Aesthetics"
Beatrice Hanssen, University of Georgia

Commentator: Holger Briel, University of Surrey

Sunday, October 6, 2002
Sessions 8:30 a.m. ­ 10:15 a.m.

115. Goethe and Style
Sponsor: Goethe Society of North America
Sun 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Hampton

Moderator: Catriona MacLeod, University of Pennsylvania

"Renaissance Architecture and the Origins of Autonomy Aesthetics"
Daniel L. Purdy, Pennsylvania State University

"Naked Ladies and Landscapes: In Search of the Perfect Shape"
John A. McCarthy, Vanderbilt University

"Style and Lifestyle"
Karin A. Wurst, Michigan State University

Commentator: Peter McIsaac, Duke University

116. Out of Bounds: Questioning German Identity and Citizenship
Sun 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Windsor

Moderator: Sonja Hedgepeth, Middle State Tennessee State University

"Cultural Encounters and Colonialism in Schweitzer and Jaspers"
Joanne Miyang Cho, William Patterson University of New Jersey

"Die Deutschen sind niemals so ausser sich als wenn sie zu sich kommen wollen"
Roland Dollinger, Sarah Lawrence College

"Habermas on Citizenship, Überfremdung and the Future of Europe"
Roderick M. Stewart, Austin College

Commentator: Angelika Fuehrich, Johns Hopkins University/SAIS

117. Shadows and Echoes: The Work of W. G. Sebald
Sun 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Sheffield

Moderator: Keith Bullivant, University of Florida

"W.G. Sebald and Post-Holocaust Aesthetics"
Ernestine Schlant, Montclair State University

"W.G. Sebald's Die Ringe des Saturn: Literature and History"
Peter C. Pfeiffer, Georgetown University

"History, Memory, and Identity in W. G. Sebald's Austerlitz."
Gerald A. Fetz, University of Montana

Commentator: Gerhard Weiss, University of Minnesota

118. Communicating Gender in the Two Postwar Germanys
Sun 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Pacific Salon Seven

Moderator: Ann T. Allen, University of Louisville

"Love and Marriage, Socialist-Style: Change and Continuity in the SED's Understanding of Private Gender Relations, 1950-1970"
Donna Harsch, Carnegie Mellon University

"Fragen Sie Frau Irene: Die Rundfunk- und Familienzeitschrift HÖR ZU! als Ratgeber für Ehe und Familie in der Bundesrepublik der 1950er und frühen 1960er Jahre"
Lu Seegers, Universtät Hannover

"The Problem has a Name: 'Latch-key children' - Latch-key Children as West German Troops in the Cold War"
Uta C. Schmidt, Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam

Commentator: Robert Moeller, University of California, Irvine

119. Germany United? The Stalin Note of 1952 Revisited
Sun 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Sunset

Moderator: Dr. Klaus Larres, Queens University, Belfast

"Die Westmächte, Adenauer und die Stalin-Note"
Rolf Steininger, Universität Innsbruck

"Sowjetische Notenpolitik 1952 und 1953"
Elke Scherstjanoi, Institut für Zeitgeschichte

"Die SED und die Stalin-Note"
Michael Lemke, Zentrum für Zeitgeschichtliche Forschung, Potsdam

Commentator: Wilfried Loth, Universität/Gesamthochschule Essen

120. Disenchantment or Reenchantment? Weber, Jung, and Heidegger on Modernity
Sun 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Dover

Moderator: Wolfgang Bialas, University of California, Irvine

"Disenchantment or Reenchantment? Ambivalent Encounters in the Weber
Lawrence A. Scaff, Wayne State University

"Jung's Critique of Modernity as Failed Disenchantment"
David Lindenfeld, Louisiana State University

"Heidegger, Technology, and Gelassenheit"
Charles R. Bambach, University of Texas at Dallas

Commentator: Richard Wolin, City University of New York, Graduate Center

121. Wertewandel, Minderheiten, Mehrheitskultur, Bürgerbild und Identitäts-Debatte nach fünf Systembrüchen im 20. Jahrhundert
SUN 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Pacific Salon Five

Moderator: Johannes Tuchel, Freie Universität Berlin und Gedenkstätte Deutscher
Widerstand, Berlin

"Wertewandel in Systembrüchen: Überlegungen zur politischen Kultur der Deutschen im 20. Jahrhundert"
Peter Steinbach, Universität Karlsruhe und Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand, Berlin

"Der deutsche Sonderweg: Ist er ein für allemal an sein Ende angelangt?"
Helmut Wagner, Freie Universität Berlin

"Leitkultur: Ein globales Problem und eine sehr deutsche Debatte"
Ekkehard Klausa, Freie Universität Berlin und Senatsverwaltung für
Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur, Berlin

Commentators: Konrad Jarausch, Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam

Malte Lehming, Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin / Washington D.C.

122. Political Information and Its Consequences
Sponsor: Conference Group on German Politics (CGGP)
Sun 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Crescent

Moderator: Clay Clemens, College of William and Mary

"News and Elections: Comparing German Bundestag Election Campaigns 1990-2002
Holli A. Semetko and Klaus Schoenbach, University of Amsterdam"

"Does Experience Increase Political Knowledge about Electoral Rules? Comparing Mixed Systems in Germany and New Zealand"
Jeffrey A. Karp and Edmund Lauf, University of Amsterdam

"Replacing the German Mark with the Euro: A Dynamic Model Explaining German Attitudes Toward the Common Currency "
Susan Banducci, University of Amsterdam

Commentator: Richard Moeller, Metropolitan State College of Denver

123. Der Semantische Streit um Faschimus und Antifaschismus I
Sun 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Eaton

Moderator: Reiner Pommerin, TU Dresden

"Antifaschismus, Antiamerikanismus und Antikommunismus als zentrale Leitbilder für die Gründung der Grünen als westdeutscher Partei"
Udo Baron, FU Berlin

"The Term 'Fascism' as Political and Scientific Category"
Wolfgang Pfeiler, Universität Koblenz/Landau

"Faschismus und Antifaschismus als Kampfbegriffe im geteilten Deutschland"
Wolfgang Bergsdorf, Universität Erfurt

Commentator: Manfred Wilke, FU Berlin

124. New Questions on German Federalism
Sun 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Stratford

Moderator: Arthur Gunlicks, University of Richmond

"Regionalism and Political Identity in the German Party System"
Barbara Donovan, Wesleyan College

"Federal-State Relations and Germany's Same-Sex Partnership Law"
Louise K. Davidson-Schmich, University of Miami

"Making Center-Periphery Relations: How the Origins of German Federalism Shape Efforts at Contemporary Institutional Reform"
Daniel Ziblatt, University of California, Berkeley

Commentator: Charlie Jeffery, Institute for German Studies, University of Birmingham

125. Shaping Consciousness: Literary Didacticism and Civic Pedagogy
Sun 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 PM Clarendon

Moderator: Evelyn Moore, Kenyon College

"Claiming the Intellect: Betty Gleim's Pedagogical Project for Women"
Beatrice Guenther, College of William and Mary

"German Home Towns and National Middlebrow Culture: The Contiguous World of E. Marlitt"
Lynne Tatlock, Washington University

"'We have fought like Bavarians should': Volksschule and Nation-Building under
Ludwig I. 1825-48"
James K. Bidwell, Boston College

Commentator: Lisabeth M. Hock, Wayne State University

126. Poetry and the Arts
Sun 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Brittany

Moderator: Claire Baldwin, Colgate University

"Visual Art vs. Poetry: Rainer Maria Rilke's Poetic Reception of Femininity in Renaissance Art"
Dorothee Ostmeier, University of Oregon

"Faustian Struggle and Religious Redemption in Mahler's Eighth Symphony"
Effie Papanikolaou, Miami University (Ohio)

"An Ethics of Reading in Hölderlin's 'Andenken'"
Katrin Pahl, Stanford University

Commentator: Karen Achberger, St. Olaf College

127. Race: Language, Science, Philosophy
Sun 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Pacific Salon Six

Moderator: Barbara Fischer, University of Alabama

"The Language of Race"
Sara Eigen, Vanderbilt University

" 'Race,' Freedom, and the Fall in the Anthropologies of Steffens and Kant"
Mark Larrimore, Paris

"Race and Religion: The Vision of History in Schelling's Philosophy of Mythology"
George Williamson, University of Alabama

Commentator: Jonathan Hess, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

128. From Modernity to Empire: Symptoms of German Passage?
Sun 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Ascot

Moderator: Angela Borchert, University of Western Ontario

"From Marx and Moses Hess to Hardt/Negri: The Dialectic of the Historical Subject"
Roger F. Cook, University of Missouri at Columbia

"Sheep in Wolf's Clothing: Hardt and Negri's Critique of Sovereignty?"
William Rasch, Indiana University

"Politics, Ideology, and the Neo-Left"
Carsten Strathause, University of Missouri at Columbia

Commentator: Gita Rajan, Hunter College, CUNY

129. Romanticism: Schlegel, Kleist, Hoffmann
Sun 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Garden Salon Two

Moderator: Jill Anne Kowalik, UCLA

"Beautiful Breakdowns: Reading Friedrich Schlegel's Fascination with Magnetism as a Contribution to a Cultural History of the Uncanny"
Laurie Johnson, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

"The Laws of the Fathers: Kleist's Paternal Bodies"
Silke Maria Weineck, University of Michigan

"The Male Muses of Romanticism: E.T.A. Hoffmann"
Martha B. Helfer, University of Utah

Commentator: Ruth Klüger, University of California, Irvine

130. Grants for Scholars in German Studies
Sun 8:30 AM ­ 10:15 AM Sunrise

Panel Discussion and Questions from the Audience:

Britta Baron, DAAD
Richard Pettit, CIES, Fulbright Program
Robert Grathwol, Humboldt Stiftung


Sunday, October 6, 2002
Sessions 10:30 a.m. ­ 12:15 p.m.


131. Ingeborg Bachmann and the Cold War
Sun 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Hampton

Moderator: Jacqueline Vansant, University of Michigan

"Ingeborg Bachmanns Auden-Rezeption und der Kalte Krieg"
Christine Kanz, Universität Bern

"Gender, the Cold War, and Ingeborg Bachmann"
Sara Lennox, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

"Bachmann, the Cold War, and Reorientation Politics at Sender Rot-Weiß-Rot"
Joseph McVeigh, Smith College

Commentator: Monika Albrecht, Universität Münster

132. Künstlerische Europa-Konzepte im Kontext nationaler Identitätsdebatten
Sun 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Windsor

Moderator: Margit Sinka, Clemson University

"Nationale Identität und die literarische EU-Debatte"
Dagmar Wienroeder-Skinner, Saint Joseph's University

"Kampf' oder 'Brücken' zwischen den Kulturen? Zur Rolle der Türkei als Bindeglied zwischen Europa und dem Nahen Osten"
Elke Segelcke, Illinois State University

"Switzerland vs. Europe: Depictions of European Identity in Contemporary Swiss Fiction"
Richard Ruppel, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point

Commentator: Jean Godsall-Myers, Widener University

133. Ethics and Social Criticism - German Fiction and Non-Fiction: Kaschnitz, Grass, Bremer
Sun 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Sheffield

Moderator: Helmut Pfanner, Vanderbilt University

"The New Public-Private Stance: Marie Luise Kaschnitz in her Essays and Aufzeichnungen"
Hal H. Rennert, University of Florida

"Ethics and Günter Grass: Aus meinem Jahrhundert and Im Krebsgang"
Sheila Johnson, University of Texas, San Antonio

"The Rules of the Game: Ethical Tyranny in Jan Peter Bremer's Der Fürst spricht"
Kathleen Condray, University of Arkansas

Commentator: Rolf J. Goebel, University of Alabama, Huntsville

134. The Twentieth-Century Body Transformed
Sun 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Garden Salon Two

Moderator: Julia Sneeringer, Beloit College

"Stripping Clothiers, Taboos, and Attitudes: The Creation of a New Germanic Body"
Chad Ross, University of Missouri, Columbia

"Re-Sexing Adult Bodies for Health and Pleasure in Interwar Vienna
Britta McEwen, University of California, Los Angeles

"Bodies and Manufactures: Designing the Mensch als Kunstwerk at the 1911 Dresdener Hygiene-Ausstellung"
Beverly Grindstaff, Santa Clara University

Commentator: Frank Biess, University of California, San Diego

135. Religious Institutions in the Nazi Era
Sun 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Pacific Salon Four

Moderator: Doris Bergen, University of Notre Dame

"The Policy of the Ecclesiastical Foreign Office of the German Protestant Church (DEK) During the Spanish Civil War"
Gerhard Besier, Universität Heidelberg

"NS Church Policy for the Protestant Volksdeutsch Church in Poland"
Michael Phayer, Marquette University

"Protestantism in Austria in the Third Reich Era"
Karl Schwarz, Bundesministerium für Bildumg, Wissenschaft und Kultur, Vienna

Commentator: Robert Ericksen, Pacific Lutheran University

136. German Zeitgeschichte after the Holocaust
Sun 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Pacific Salon Seven

Moderator: Marion Deshmukh, George Mason University

"Zeitgenossenschaft: Reflections on Contemporary German History"
Hanna Schissler, Georg- Eckert-Institut Braunschweig and Universität Hannover

"Assembling Professional Selves: Zeitgeschichte as Disciplinary History"
Eric J. Engstrom, Free University of Berlin

"A New National History? The Reunification Epic and the Problem of an East-West German History"
Diethelm Prowe, Carleton College

Commentator: Jeffrey Herf, University of Maryland

137. Biowissenschaften und NS: Neure Forschungsergebnisse über die Geschichte der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft
Sun 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Dover

Moderator: Mark Walker, Union College

"Forschung für die Autarkie: Beiträge der Biowissenschaftler der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft zur Ostexpansion im Dritten Reich"
Susanne Heim, MPG Forschungsprogram "Geschichte der Kaiser-Wilhelm-
Gesellschaft im Nationalsozialismus"

"Männliche Sexualität unter Generalverdacht und das Ende des 'Dritten Geschlechts:' Sexualwissenschaftliche Kontroversen über Homosexualität im Nationalsozialismus"
Susanna zur Nieden, Zentrum für Interdiziplinäre Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, TU Berlin

"Wissenschaftskultur und Männerfreundschaft; Zur Vergangenheitspolitik der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in der Nachkriegzeit"
Carola Sachse, MPG Forschungsprogram "Geschichte der Kaiser-Wilhelm-
Gesellschaft im Nationalsozialismus"

Commentator: Sheila Weiss, Clarkson University

138. Der semantische Streit um Faschismus und Antifaschismus II: Politische Auswirkungen
Sun 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Eaton

Moderator: Wolfgang Bergsdorf, Universität Erfurt

"Faschismus und Antifaschismus als Kampfbegriffe im geteilten Deutschland"
Josef Klein: Universität Koblenz/Landau

"Die Grünen als Objekt der Westarbeit der SED in der Friedensbewegung 1979 - 1983"
Manfred Wilke, FU Berlin

"Rassenpolitische Differenzen zwischen Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus"
Reiner Pommerin, TU Dresden


139. Transformations in the Political and Constitutional Environment of the
Federal Republic: Contributions to the Debate on Federalism and
Sponsor: American Institute for Contemporary German Studies
Sun 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Stratford

Moderator: Jackson Janes, American Institute for Contemporary
German Studies (AICGS)

"Institutional Change and Policy Challenges Since Unification"
Arthur Gunlicks, University of Richmond

"Dimensions of Constitutional Change: Germany and the United Kingdom Compared"
Charlie Jeffery, University of Birmingham

"Historical Dimensions of German Statehood from the Old Reich to New Germany"
Wolf Gruner, Universität Rostock

Commentator: Frank Trommler, University of Pennsylvania

140. Nineteenth-Century Culture: Sacher-Masoch, Hauptmann, Nietzsche
Sun 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Brittany

Moderator: Ginny Lewis, University of Missouri, Columbia

"Martyrdom and Tableau Vivant in Sacher-Masoch's Venus im Pelz"
Catriona MacLeod, University of Pennsylvania

"From Acedia to Action: Transcending Determinism in Early Naturalism"
Falk Renate Cammin, Stanford University

"What Culture Needs Cultural Studies? Nietzsche's Critique of Modern Culture Revisited"
Edgar Landgraf, Bowling Green State University

141. Issues in Gender Politics in the Berlin Republic
Sun 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Clarendon

Moderator: Susan Mazur-Stommen, California Polytechnic University, Pomona

"Girl Power: Women, Politics, and the Berlin Republic"
Joyce Mushaben, University of Missouri-St. Louis

"Ich bin Berlinerin: Two Generations of German-Turkish Women"
Gokce Yurdakul, University of Toronto

"Who's Counting? Center-Land Tensions over the Women's Quota in the CDU"
Sarah Elise Wiliarty, Wesleyan University

Commentator: Barbara Donovan, Wesleyan College

142. Violence and the Law on the 18th-Century Stage
Sun 10:30 AM ­ 12:15 PM Pacific Salon Five

Moderator: John A. McCarthy, Vanderbilt University

"Violence as Aesthetic Self-Definition in Lessing's Emilia Galotti"
Grant P. McAllister, Wake Forest University

"Heinrich von Kleist's Prinz Friedrich von Homburg: An Army of One"
Karl-Heinz Maurer, Knox College

"Violence and Intertextuality: Schiller and the Clockwork Oranges"
Gail K. Hart, University of California, Irvine

Commentator: Paul Fleming, New York University